child playing basketball outside

A virtual walk
to make a real difference

The 2021 Virtual Walk for Amazing was a chance for everyone to move their body in their favorite ways—and to raise much-needed funds for the patients of Children’s Minnesota!

Your donation provides kids with the kind of health care they deserve:
highly specialized, compassionate, family-centered and customized to the special health needs of children.
Donate today

Thank you to participants, sponsors and donors for supporting the most amazing people on Earth — kids!

As a non-profit, we rely on donations to provide the kind of health care kids deserve: highly specialized, compassionate, family-centered and customized to the unique health needs of children. The Virtual Walk for Amazing, held May 3–14, was an opportunity for friends and family to gather virtually and move, dance or do a healthy activity each day!

Check out all of the fun!


Be amazed. Be inspired.


Look who got a move on…
Chris and Patty Hathaway
Ariella Brown
David Berry
Adam Wilford
Jonathan Biermann
Meghan Mullen
Find a team